Monday, September 18, 2017

Confessions of a First Year Teacher - Week 4

The first half of this week was exhausting and stressful. At one point I had the principal in my classroom for about 30 minutes because of some behavior issues. To say I was in panic mode is an understatement. My inner Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls, See video --> and insert hubby or Cassie for Mommy.) had a mild freak out and felt like I probably looked like a bumbling idiot. At one point the principal asked if she could add something during my lesson. Who am I to say no? Once she left the classroom I wanted to crawl into my supply closet and hide while going over and over my instruction while she had been in the room and dissect every second.

Thankfully, by Thursday, the stressful element in our teaching hub was gloriously absent the rest of the week and we were able to breathe a little easier and get work done. I was most thankful that the principal did not need to come back into my classroom to monitor behaviors. PHEW!!!! And as I kept dreading, she never called me into her office to tell me I was a teaching failure. :P

I found a helpful tool at the beginning of the year and the kids seem to respond well to it. helps keep track of the noise level in the classroom. My kiddos know to watch the screen to self-monitor their noise level. This is especially helpful during centers/work stations or when I have them all doing partner work.

This week we also had our first field trip of the year. We took the whole first grade to the local high school on Friday for their pep rally. When I was a kid field trips were magical, exciting and fun. As a teacher it is a whole different ball game. I never once thought about what it was like for the teacher to have to keep track of a classroom full of students on a bus and then at the location we were going to.  In the back of my mind I was constantly trying to keep track of all 21 of my homeroom kids while also trying to make sure they were not jumping around or falling off the bleachers. Overall, it was a lot of fun and I loved seeing how excited my kids were during the pep rally.

My day was made on Friday when I found this in my school mail box. One of my students' parents made a Teacher Survival Kit for myself and his other two teachers. It was filled with some great things, such as, tissues, chocolate, tylenol, nail file, cool stickers, chap stick etc. It was unexpected and sweet. 

The math art project for this week is one I don't think I will do next year or if I do I will wait until later in the year. It took way too much time and my kiddos were not ready or skilled enough yet to be able to create their own addition sentences. They all needed extensive help filling in several of the sections and it took way too much time for me to go to each student individually and help them. With about 65 students it became a headache to get finished. They turned out cute but another teaching learning experience for sure. 

 A lot of new learning experiences this week. Not my favorite week but it wasn't a disaster. Deep breath... Moving on to next week and making it better.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Confessions of a First Year Teacher - Week 3

Whew week 3 was crazy.  How is it possible that a short week can feel so much longer than the regular week. So much stuff happened this week! I'm entering week 2 of my first cold of the school year. That's been super fun.  Some of the other happenings this week I can't elaborate on because of privacy issues and because it's just not really something I feel that should be shared. Let's just say this particular event added a layer of stress to the school day for not only the teachers and staff but the kiddos as well. However, we are figuring out what needs to happen to make it work. I love my team! Working together for the kids and helping each other. I seriously do not know what I would do without them.

In the classroom we are learning strategies to help us solve math problems. I made these little signs with different strategies for my kids to reference. They are particularly fond of using objects, drawing a picture, and counting on fingers to help them. I introduced them to number lines and how to use them to solve addition problems, I think with a bit more practice some of them will really like that strategy.

We are also studying doubles facts at the moment, as you can see by the mini posters hung up next to my strategy posters. My kids really love the hands and spider doubles. :P

I found this game called race to the board. It is meant for number recognition but I made it an addition game. Two teams, each member of each team takes a turn finding the sum of an addition problem I have written on a card. They have to figure out the sum and then find the answer on the "board" before the other team. The kids absolutely loved this game. I plan to use it for subtraction and add more numbers when we move into sums within 20 as well.

I pulled an activity from my time with Mrs. Benson during student teaching. Rainbow to 10. I had my kids fill in their paper and glue it into their math journals so we can reference it when needed.

I also gave my first test Friday. One of my team members helped me create a clicker test. The questions are displayed on the smart board like a power point and the kids have clicker remotes they use to answer the questions. They seem to feel like its a game and I don't have to sit at my desk grading 65+ test papers because the program grades and scores each student for me, all I have to do is print the report.

My kiddos blew my socks off! They did really well overall. I do have some that will need some small group instruction but I was anticipating it. Another successful week in Mrs. Ogier's class.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Confessions of a First Year Teacher - Week 2

Adorable sign my friend Cassie
surprised me with.
At my school students start transitioning to different teachers for different content areas in 1st grade. I teach math exclusively to 3 classes of 20-22 first graders. My team consists of myself along with 2 other teachers. One teaches Science, Social Studies and Phonics, the other teaches Reading and Writing. It makes the day go by so fast! Each of the three classes, while all 1st graders, are filled with unique students and although I teach the same lesson to each of them, sometimes I have to modify how or what I present to each group, because what has worked for a previous class group doesn't always create the same connections with my current group. I am learning quickly how to modify in the moment. Classroom management is also something I am having to modify for each group.

Classroom management seemed to be the theme of my 2nd week. It is one of the things I struggled with during student teaching and it's no different now in my own classroom. It can sometimes be challenging to find something that works for each of my 3 groups of 1st graders. What seems to work for one group has no affect on another. Most of the behavior issues are typical of this age group (Chattiness and trouble staying in their seats).

I pulled out my teacher voice this week and I think I took some of my kids by surprise because Mrs. Ogier is "so nice and sweet". I didn't yell but I was very serious and expressed my disappointment in some of my students. We are only in the 2nd week of school and I am hopeful that as the school year progresses they will come to understand what I need and expect from them even more and a lot of the behavior issues will sort themselves out.

10 Frame Friends, my student's first
math project.
My homeroom class is full of some characters. One day this past week they were on fire learning about sets and using a 10 frame to make 10. I smiled at them excitedly and told them how proud I was of how smart they all were. I looked at them and said "You knocked my socks off!" Most of them looked at me in shock and then looked down at my feet. (I was not wearing socks as I wear BOBS most days.) One of my students smirked at me and said "Mrs. Ogier, you weren't even wearing any socks."

I laughed and said "Well, if I had been they would have flown across the room because you all are just so smart." He giggled and now almost every day one of my students will ask if they blew my socks off today. This week was awesome! Now bring on the 3 day weekend woohoo!

I was so excited to hang out my first student work in the
hallway outside my room.
In case you were wondering, I did my attendance correctly every day this week! 

I did learn something this week though, when you have 65-70 students projects that require me to cut out lots of little pieces are probably not something I will do on a regular basis. :P

Confessions of a First Year Teacher

As I drove to my school on the first day of the year I was terrified, excited, emotional, apprehensive, and filled with an equal mix of self doubt along with self confidence. This was the moment I had spent years dreaming about. The moment I had been preparing for since I was 5 or 6 when I lined my dolls and stuffed animals up to give them a spelling test or to teach them numbers on my chalk board.

During my drive I wondered if my Grandma and Grandpa would be proud of me. The answer was whispered inside my head, an unequivocal YES! I then tried to remember all of the knowledge and advice my favorite professors had instilled in me throughout my education. I will admit it was all a little overwhelming. 

Once the parents left and 21 sets of little eyes were focused on me it was a magical moment. I had finally arrived, there was no more "working towards the goal". I am their teacher and this is my classroom where I am responsible for the education of these precious little beings staring back at me shyly. My nervousness slowly dissipated and I embraced my inner teacher. 
The first week of the school year was spent teaching CHAMPS procedures, CHAMPS behavior expectations, rules etc. After going over the initial discussion of what a CHAMP looks like I started to mix in math instruction with procedures while I modeled proper behaviors & we practiced our CHAMPS behaviors. Most of what I taught was a review of concepts taught in Kindergarten. This helped me get a sense of which kids were ready for more, which needed a little re-teaching and which needed more help with the basics. 

When I put my last kiddo in their parent's car on Friday I was beyond exhausted but I felt like the week had been successful, as long as you don't consider all the mistakes I made recording my attendance. Out of the 5 days I managed to do my attendance correctly 1 time. I think I made every mistake possible. On the positive side, I only made each mistake once. The poor secretary probably thought I was so dumb. My only excuse is I was already overwhelmed with trying to remember 65-70 student names, getting those said students to and from lunch/recess/library/music/gym and then making sure I don't send students to the wrong place at dismissal. 

I can't wait for week 2!!